Accepted. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Sebastian Padó. Representation biases in sentence transformers. Proceedings of EACL
2023. Nikolaev, Dmitry. Robust co-occurrence networks of consonants and the Basic Consonant Inventory. Linguistic Typology. (Ahead-of-print online publication.)
2022. Nikolaev, Dmitry. A typology of consonant-inventory gaps. Linguistic Typology 26(1), 161–186.
2022. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Sebastian Padó. Word-order Typology in Multilingual BERT: A Case Study in Subordinate-Clause Detection. Proceedings of SIGTYP, 11–21.
2022. Georgakopoulos, Thanasis, Eitan Grossman, Dmitry Nikolaev and Stéphane Polis. Universal and macro-areal patterns in the lexicon: A case-study in the perception-cognition domain. Linguistic Typology 26(2), 439–487.
2021. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria and Dmitry Nikolaev. Talking about temperature and social thermoregulation in the languages of the world. International Review of Social Psychology 34(1), 22.
2021. Arviv, Ofir*, Dmitry Nikolaev*, Taelin Karidi and Omri Abend. On the Relation between Syntactic Divergence and Zero-Shot Performance. Proceedings of EMNLP, 4803–4817. *Shared first authorship.
2021. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Mikhail Shumilin. Some considerations on the attribution of the “New Apuleius”. Classical Quarterly 71(2), 819–848.
2021. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Mikhail Shumilin. Identifying Latin authors through maximum-likelihood Dirichlet inference: A contribution to model-based stylometry. Shagi/Steps 7(1), 183–198 [pdf]
2020. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Eitan Grossman. Consonant co-occurrence classes and the feature-economy principle. Phonology 37(3), 419–451. [full text & pdf]
2020. Nikolaev, Dmitry. On the sound change *ld > nd in Tibetic: A reply to Xun Gong. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 49(2), 250–255. [pdf]
2020. Nikolaev, Dmitry, Ofir Arviv, Taelin Karidi, Neta Kenneth, Veronika Mitnik, Lilja Maria Saeboe and Omri Abend. Fine-grained analysis of cross-linguistic syntactic divergences. Proceedings of ACL, 1159–1176. [pdf, dataset, and video; data and code on GitHub]
2020. Nikolaev, Dmitry, Taelin Karidi, Neta Kenneth, Veronika Mitnik, Lilja Maria Saeboe and Omri Abend. Morphosyntactic predictability of translationese. Linguistics Vanguard 6(1), 20190077. [full text & pdf]
2020. Grossman, Eitan, Elad Eisen, Dmitry Nikolaev and Steven Moran. SegBo: A database of borrowed sounds in the world’s languages. Proceedings of LREC, 5318–5324. [pdf]
2020. Choshen, Leshem*, Dmitry Nikolaev*, Yevgeni Berzak and Omri Abend. Classifying syntactic errors in learner language. Proceedings of CoNLL, 97–107. *Shared first authorship. [pdf; supp. mat.]
2020. Nikolaev, Dmitry. A review of Jenset G.B., McGillivray B. Quantitative historical linguistics: A corpus framework. Oxford University Press, 2017. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 1, 155–160. [pdf]
2019. Nikolaev, Dmitry. Areal dependency of consonant inventories. Language Dynamics and Change 9(1), 104–126. [pdf]
2018. Nikolaev, Dmitry. The Database of Eurasian Phonological Inventories: A research tool for distributional phonological typology. Linguistics Vanguard 4(1), 20170050. [pdf]
2018. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Eitan Grossman. Areal sound change and the distributional typology of affricate richness in Eurasia. Studies in Language 42(3), 562–599. [pdf]
2018. Nikolaev, Dmitry. A review of Hickey, Raymond (ed.). The Cambridge handbook of areal linguistics. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 1, 126–129. [pdf]
2016. Nikolaev, Dmitry. A new algorithm for extracting formulas from poetic texts and the formulaic density of Russian bylinas. Oral Tradition 30(1), 111–136. [pdf]
2013. Nikolayev, Dmitry. A review of Stüber, Karin; Zehnder, Thomas; Remmer, Ulla: Indogermanische Frauennamen. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009. Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 60(1), 335–337. [pdf]
Accepted. Harel, Halely, Orly Goldwasser and Dmitry Nikolaev. Mapping the ancient mind: Introducing iClassifier, a new platform for systematic analysis of classifiers in Egyptian and beyond. In: eds. Joshua Roberson, Steve Vinson, and Rita Lucarelli. Proceedings of Ancient Egypt and New Technology: The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and other Digital Humanities in Egyptology. 29–30 March 2019 at Indiana University, Bloomington. Leiden: Brill.
2018. Nikolaev, Dmitry and Maria Shkapa. Markirovanije aktantov dvukhmestnykh predikatov v irlandskom jazyke (munsterskij dialekt) [Participant indexing in bivalen predicates in Irish (Munster dialect)] In: ed. Sergey Say. Valentnostnyje klassy dvukhmestnykh predikatov v raznostrukturnykh jazykakh [Valency classes of bivalent predicates in structurally diverse languages]. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS. 150–167.
2021. Choshen, Leshem, Matanel Oren, Dmitry Nikolaev and Omri Abend, SERRANT: A syntactic classifier for English grammatical error types. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02310 [pdf]
Choshen, Leshem, Matanel Oren, Dmitry Nikolaev and Omri Abend. SERRANT: A syntactic classifier for English Grammatical Error Types
Choshen, Leshem, Dmitry Nikolaev, Yevgeni Berzak and Omri Abend. SErCl: A cross-lingual taxonomy of syntactic errors
Nikolaev, Dmitry. IPA parser and query engine
Grossman, Eitan, Elad Eisen, Dmitry Nikolaev and Steven Moran. SegBo: A database of borrowed sounds in the world’s languages.
Nikolaev, Dmitry, Ofir Arviv, Taelin Karidi, Neta Kenneth, Veronika Mitnik, Lilja Maria Saeboe and Omri Abend. An aligned subset of Parallel Universal Dependencies.
Goldwasser, Orly, Haleli Harel and Dmitry Nikolaev. iClassifier: A platform for scientific analysis of classifier scripts and languages.
Nikolaev, Dmitry, Andrey Nikulin and Anton Kukhto. The Database of Eurasian Phonological Inventories.
Nikolaev, Dmitry. A formant-based vowel classifier.